3rd February 2025

Search Sprotbrough & Cusworth Parish Council

Sprotbrough & Cusworth Parish Council Serving the people of Sprotbrough & Cusworth

Parish Council Elections

The last elections for Parish Councillors took place on 6th May 2021. Sprotbrough and Cusworth Parish Council is made up of 17 councillors representing 7 wards within the parish. All current councillors are elected.

Details of the election results can be found on Doncaster Council's website.

We currently do not have any vacant seats on the Parish Council.

The next scheduled elections for Parish Councillors is May 2025

Would you like to become a Parish Councillor?

Are you concerned about your local area?

Do you want to represent the views of local people?

Are you passionate about services provided to your community?

Do you want to contribute to your business or personal skills and expertise?

IF YES, why not become a Parish Council and make a DIFFERENCE!

How to become a Parish Councillor

Any person 18 years of age and older who is a local government elector, lives or works in the parish or lived within three miles of the area of the parish may stand for election. You DO NOT have to be a member of or affiliated with a political party to be a Parish Councillor.

Candidates for election must complete nomination forms and submit them to the electoral services team at City of Doncaster Council before the closing date for nominations - usually four to five weeks before polling day.

A councillors normal term of office is four years and they become a holder of a Public Office.

Councillors are subject to the adopted policies and procedures of the Parish Council including the Code of Conduct and must complete a Declaration of Interest form which will be publicly available.

Below is more information on how to become a Parish Councillor including a broad description of the role produced by our county association; Yorkshire Local Council's Association.

What will you do if elected

  • Attend monthly Parish Council meetings and raise matters that the Council can consider and formally decide to take action on.
  • Make informed contributions and influence debate at meetings.
  • Vote on decisions required to be made by the Parish Council
  • Receive training for your role
  • Represent the Parish Council externally


Last updated: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 13:29