26th December 2024

Search Sprotbrough & Cusworth Parish Council

Sprotbrough & Cusworth Parish Council Serving the people of Sprotbrough & Cusworth

Governance and Policy

Standing Orders

The Council operates within a set of procedures called the Standing Orders and abide by an agreed Code of Conduct. These incorporate the legislation that governs local councils and set out:-

  • how meetings and debates are run
  • how decisions are made and who can make them
  • how Councillors should conduct themselves
  • the role of the Clerk and matters affecting employees
  • the role and creation of Committees
  • Financial matters
  • Local rule

In addition to the Standing Orders adopted in August 2020 an addendum was agreed at the Parish Council meeting on 19th November 2020 to set out the rules which govern virtual meetings. These can be found below together with the adopted rules for virtual meetings.

Financial Regulations

The Council has Financial Regulations which govern how it manages its finances and contracts including:-

  • Setting the annual budget and precept
  • Payments of accounts
  • Salaries
  • Loans and investments
  • Orders and contracts for goods and services
  • Insurance

General Power of Competence

The Parish Council at its meeting on 16th May 2024 resolved that until the next annual meeting of the Council, it meets the conditions of eligibility as defined in the Localism Act 2011 and SI 965 The Parish Councils (General Power of Competence)(Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012, to adopt the General Power of Competence.

The Parish Council has the power to do anything that individuals generally may do as long as they do not break any other laws. The Parish Council does not have to identify specific powers to undertake an activity reducing the risk of legal challenge.


The Parish Council ensures that it has up to date insurance to mitigate potential risk to public money.

Risk Assessment

The Parish Council has a Risk Management Policy and records and manages its strategic, operational and project risks individually as part of a risk assessment that is reviewed annually. The Risk Assessment is split into five sections;

  • Outdoor facilities
  • Management Procedures
  • Financial Procedures
  • Buildings
  • Employee and volunteer activities

Risk assessment relating to Covid 19 has been undertaken separately to the annual assessment and can be found on the Covid 19 page of the website.


Below is the full list of all current adopted Parish Council policies. They set out the framework for the decision making of the Parish Council in line with current legislation and guidance. All policies are reviewed annually.

Last updated: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 09:37